Safe & Caring Schools (see also V. Sexuality Education)


  • BC Human Rights Commission materials are on line and can be downloaded including "Preventing Harassment in the Workplace.

  • Students, parents, educators, police and the community have a shared responsibility in maintaining safe schools. The BC Safe School Centre is designed to support these partners in fostering safe and supportive learning environments for all children and youth. Contact them for information about bullying and school safety.

    Information on Anti-bullying education: 


  • This is an important page for BC teachers because it is focused on BC content. The alphabetical listing of resources will take you to all kinds of other websites related to topics such as AIDS/HIV, consumer protection, eating disorders, health, nutrition and personal planning, self-esteem, and youth violence.

  • This is a site on adolescent violence prevention, designed for parents and professionals who deal with adolescents, by Peter Stringham, M.D. It contains lots of information and quizzes, activities, related to topics such as dating violence, harassment, anger, self-violence, peer pressure, safety, guns, etc.; and many links to other helpful websites.

  • 2000 is the International Year for the Culture of Peace and opens the decade for peace declared by the United Nations. This site has all kinds of links and suggestions for fostering peace.

  • This is an on-line encyclopedia of information about mental health, originally started through a Canadian/Japanese partnership, there is plenty of information on all forms of mental illness, treatment, research, diagnosis, magazines, internet links of value, etc.  An excellent site to begin a research project.

  • This is a cool site which will appeal to teens. It has a novel format of questions and answers about topics of: body, emotions, health, friends, sports, danger, school, family, sex, doctor. Other sections on newspaper, radio, movies, snacks, etc. continue the information, question and answer formats. Likely to be enjoyable by teens. 

  • This site is Ontario based and operated by Coalition for Children. Contains excellent information on child growth and development, parenting, inventory of programs for violence prevention in the schools, resources, fact sheets on a range of family related topics. Can find many uses in the Family Studies classroom.

  • This site is operated by the American Psychological Association to assist people in protecting their privacy and assessing whether mental health information on line is credible and accurate.

  • This page is by the Division of Violence Prevention, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. With an emphasis on suicide and dating violence prevention, it contains excellent sections on: what’s new, causation theories, questions, solutions, what can I do?

  • This is the site of Parents, families, & Friends of lesbians and gays (US). Lots of information if teaching about issues of marriage, hate, safe schools, holidays; also resources, links, etc.

  • The section on resources in this site connects you to multiple sites focusing on safe schools, violence prevention, and conflict resolution.

  • This is a comprehensive injury prevention website for different ages and different activities.

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