This page is designed for early childhood educators, sponsored by Discount School Supply. Sections on learning activities, ask an expert, and arts and crafts can be helpful in Family Studies classrooms. This is the portal for ECE, linking directly to exceptional sites that provide wonderful content and resources for teachers and families. Easy to navigate allowing users to search by categories and keywords. Free weekly newsletter, EduPuppy Weekly at: National Council of Family Relations website provides information on membership, conferences, journals, audio and videotapes available for purchase as well as other books and guides relevant to teaching family life education. The Canadian Policy Research Network, section on Families has a number of documents relevant to educators. Materials are helpful in relation to policy issues and contain current information about Canadian realities. The Canadian Health Network provides information accessible through a complete list of health related topics, including parenting, marriage, sexual health, etc. Lesson ideas abound on this site about physical education and also health education topics including mental and emotional health, nutrition, personal health, alcohol, tobacco and drugs, family living, growth and development, consumer and community health, and environmental health. This site is for educators to browse through lesson ideas or add their lesson ideas to the collection available. Work & FamilyWorking Mom's Refuge - Work and home and there's still only 24 hours in a day - what's a Mom to do? Visit WMR, that's what! A strong presence for women trying bring home the bacon and still have the energy to get it on the table (unless, of course, Dad is helpful in the kitchen!).
Relationship & ParentingBlender of Love is a private site containing cartoons, short stories, photos and poems on the topic of love and other experiences of everyday living. Child and Youth Health - For parents of children from preschool on up, this site brings together current information on all topics pertinent to family health concerns in a user friendly environment. Common Sense Parenting - From Boystown, a no nonsense approach to talking to kids and optimizing your parenting skills; covers lots of issues the others don't, like parent burn-out, children showing anti-social behavior, threats and aggression in kids. Daddy's Home - A great site for stay-at-home dads; lots of support, advice and tips for those fathers brave enough to face the most frightening of frontiers: the home front! Dear Parents - Edmark's presentation on parents and technology, with links to discussions on subject areas, learning styles, software and more. - Includes ideas on activities, babies, food, education, parenting and travel for the family seeking easily accessible information online; not to mention Infoseek's GO Network search engine for easy information access. Family Education Network - Searchable site with lots of resources for families who are truly involved with their kids; lots of the usual features we see on parent sites plus a clickable map to find local school websites - very family friendly. Family Village - Excellent collection of online resources for families of children with disabilities; set up like a virtual community, this is a truly endearing site. Gifted and Talented World - Parents of gifted children are always looking for additional resources and support in challenging their student; this site is a great way to offer that support to them at home on their own schedule. Internet Resources for Special Children - A proactive site seeking to promote communication and understanding for children with 'disABILITIES' around the world; many good resources and links here. KidSource - A nice central location for parents and their school-aged children, bringing together all kinds of practical resources and materials to aid in promoting healthy, successful children, moms and dads. Learning Disabilities Online The definitive special LD site online, bringing together a lot of information for parents and teachers in a timely manner - don't let your parents of LD students miss this! A Mom's Love - A site for moms in all their varied roles with lots of special interest features, as well as advice and support for those at home and on the job. National Center for Fathering - Just what men need - some support and encouragement as they work in the role of their lives; well-written with ways to address all the issues of dads actively participating in child rearing - stays away from radical father's rights propaganda. National Parent Information Center - A database of parenting information from the ERIC people; easy to search and more substance than flash. National Parenting Center - A clearinghouse for all kinds of parenting information, bringing together experts, product reviews, services, articles, plus a site-based chat room for parents to support one another. Parent Soup -- Perhaps the most comprehensive parent mega-site online, with every kind of feature, poll and interactive opportunity imaginable; I also find that their information is fairly substantive.....don't let the slick presentation give you the impression these folks aren't serious. Parent's Place - A wide range of departments to address the many dimensions of parenting with a strong emphasis on education in the mix; lots of practical issues from immunization to standardized testing from a reliable source that you can feel comfortable referring parents to. Step Family Network - Support for all members of blended families, including parents and children, with monthly features and lots of resources and ideas - a much needed site on the Web. You Can Handle Them All! - Billed as "a discipline model for handling over 100 different misbehaviors at home and at school," this is a no holds barred look at discipline, defining the concept and then breaking it down so that it can be manageable and successful for everyone involved; careful - there's links to purchase related materials if you're so inclined. Vanier Institute of the Family has a very useable, simply written site containing facts about Canadian families, list of resources available from them, and valuable links to other Canadian sites on children, family violence, etc. Baby Think It Over provides information about the parenting simulation “baby” available, information on the program, catalogue of resources, a preview of the program, lots of information on teen pregnancy prevention programs, teens speak out, and links and information on teen parenting and pregnancy. BC Council for Families provides information on their programs such as parent/teen, suicide prevention, sex education, intergenerational relations, work and family. Articles are included and information on books, videos, etc. Adoptive Families Association of BC contains lots of information on books, videos, articles related to all aspects of adoption. Could be useful for understanding adoption from the child’s or parents’ perspectives. United Generations of Ontario offers information on programs which link young and older people. Videos, books and government documents on aging and understanding aging are included. This is an on-line parenting course provided by the Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Sections in the website include: the course, glossary, resources, tests and evaluation. Sections in the course include: birth, breastfeeding, separation, the family bed, baby wearing, a second baby, ghosts in the nursery, the brain, our culture. Its worth checking out by anyone who teaches parenting. This site is coordinated through Health Canada and of interest to those interested in healthy children and youth. Sections on the site contain information about human growth and development, a comprehensive listing of programs for children and youth, articles and reports related to youth and childrens development, and useful links. Excellent for its Canadian content. Youth supporting youth on-line. This site is a space for youth to connect and discuss current issues of concern and connect in conversation and support. |